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Customer Feedback
"Akarma is very helpful and staff keep in regular contact with me . They always double check that everything is fine. The accommodation is lovely and I get on really well with my housemates. I feel very supported"
"Akarma is fantastic, the staff are lovely, Other landlords have not helped with my health issues. I have received lots of support compared to other providers where I would often be left in tears."
"Akarma is amazing and everything has fallen into place for me"
"I'm really happy and feel supported. This is positive as it is the longest I have remained in a property (has moved 12 times in 12 months )
"I have been with akarma housing for 5 months now and they continue to provide brilliant support for me I am so happy here"
“The property is excellent really nice like a proper home”
“What makes Akarma different is they do what they say they are going to do”
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